The Board


I’m Bart, the chair of MOST this year! I’m currently doing MA Russian and Eurasian studies, before that I did the BA international studies, with specialisation Russia/Eurasia.


My name is Samuel, and I am the Secretary of MOST. I'm a bachelor student of Russian Studies and have decided to join the board of MOST this year, because I have met a lot of nice people through my studies and the study association, and the contact between students is what makes a study association like MOST so much fun!


My name is Morgan and I am the treasurer of MOST this year. This means that I am in charge of the income and expenditure of MOST. I am doing my bachelor Russian Studies and I am looking forward to organizing fun MOST activities this year!


My name is Wouter and this year I will fulfill the role of nestor within the board of MOST. Nestor is basically a general board member, meaning that I help wherever I am needed. Furthermore, I am planning to finish my bachelor Russian Studies this year. Next to studying, I hope to see and talk to you at the MOST-activities this year!
